Monday, May 23, 2011

Image Blending

Reflection: I like this project because the blending turned out really well and the two images together appear as they are one. The first image was the three players, I inserted that one first and then the bigger close up picture overtop of it. I added a layer mask and switched my foreground color to black. I used the brush to reveal the picture beneath it. After those two photos were blended, I blended the bottom picture into the background by using the same brush technique. The final steps were desaturating the image to take the color out and adding noise. The brown tint was made by choosing solid color from the create new adjustment layer.

Putting an Image in a Monitor

Reflection: To start this project, I opened two pictures, the Justin Bieber picture and the billboard. I moved the Justin Bieber image into the billboard. I free transformed to fit close to the size of the billboard. I lowered the opacity of the layer so it was easier to position within the billboard. By using the free transform again, I held the command key and grabbed a corner point to match it exactly within the billboard. The last thing I did was put the opacity back to 100% and add text.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Cast Shadow

Reflection: The first step of this project was to create a new layer and make an oval in it. I softened the edges of the oval by feathering it, and added a lighter green color to it. Then I created a double soft spot effect by choosing contract and shrinking the size of my oval. I switched the foreground color to an even lighter green. I then merged the soft oval layer with my background layer. I created a new layer to fill with the darkest green. A burned in portrait effect was created and then I moved the steering wheel into the green background. The last steps were creating a shadow behind the wheel and adding text at the bottom. I like the glow on the words at the bottom and how the greens blended together for the final project.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Olympic Photo Tint

Reflection: The first image shown was the picture I used for my main background picture. I moved it onto a blank document to start and added a hue/saturation to create the blue saturated tint to the picture. I also added a stroke to create the teal border around the image. I added an outer glow and shadow to the picture so it had an extra pop and almost looked 3D. The final steps were just adding text and the bottom quote. I added another stroke to the top text to make it more noticeable. I like this project because it was really simple to complete but still looks good and I used a lot of previous knowledge to add the little extra things.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

DVD Menu

 Reflection: The first photo here is what I used for the background image. I desaturated to remove color and added noise and a gaussian distribution. I changed the Hue/Saturation to add a blue tint. I made a rectangular selection over the back of the image and added stroke for depth. I also added an outer glow. I drew four circles with the marquee tool for the different scenes and pasted in the picture. Finally, I added a glow and a white stroke around the circular photo. The last step was adding some text to make it look like the actual DVD menu.

Adding a Window to Another Place

 Reflection: I used the original picture as my background image to begin. I created the window shape by using the marquee tool to first create a circle, then a rectangular shape to make the window. I pasted the second image into the window. The inner glow was created from the add a layer style pop up menu. I like this project because the background image and window image fit well together and it looks neat and clean.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Flower Stamp

Reflection: I chose this project because it is simple but turned out really nicely and professional looking. The first step was to create extra white space around the image and use the eraser tool to knock out holes of the white border. I used a small, hard-edged brush and made the spacing even all the way around. I made a work path and chose a stroke path and selected eraser. Photoshop basically did the rest of the work by erasing on the path I created and leaving cut outs of the half circles.